
How To Deal With Balding Hair

Nosotros live in an age where men's pilus products abound, And that'southward good, because the difference between a well-kept hairstyle and one that needs some help oft comes down to the product you use and the endeavour you lot put into choosing the correct product.

Pilus cream, for instance, offers a lot of advantages to men who are serious virtually hair intendance, which is why nosotros want to focus on the best pilus foam for men.

In a bustle? Here are our superlative picks:

Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shaping Cream

Paul Mitchell's Tea Tree Shaping Cream is the very best hair cream we've plant. Information technology's infused with tea tree oil, which has a beautiful odour and fights fungus, bacteria, and itchy scalps. It gives yous firm but not-as well-firm agree.

Bumble and Bumble Grooming Foam

The perfect product for men with curly and frizzy hair is Bumble and Bumble's Grooming Foam, which provides an excellent hold. It's also great for men with sensitive skin and scalps.

In the cease, we hope you'll be well-informed and ready to rock your favorite hairstyle with the well-groomed look that you've always wanted.

Quick summary

Before yous buy: 5 Things to consider when purchasing pilus cream for men

Men's styling creams are not withal, but they do share common characteristics. They're also versatile and can serve a diverseness of functions for styling your hair. The key question is, what should you lot await for in a hair foam?

1. Agree & Shine

A couple of terms you'll oftentimes hear regarding pilus styling products are hold and shine. Hair cream is no different.

  • Hold

A styling production's agree indicates its ability to keep your pilus in one identify later you've styled information technology. If it has a high hold, your hair won't have much movement or "bounciness."

In some cases, a product with a loftier hold will leave your hair feeling – and looking – pretty potent, only that'south OK for some hairstyles.

Hair creams, meanwhile, typically take a depression hold rating and gives your pilus flexibility. They're also lighter than many other styling products, including pomade and wax.

  • Shine

A production's shine measures how well it reflects lite and makes your pilus await sleeky. Products with a low shine blot the calorie-free and take a matte cease, which means information technology'south hard to tell that they're in your hair.

Cream has a natural, medium shine that helps give your pilus a healthy look without looking too greasy, and they do keep your hair healthier, considering they incorporate moisturizing ingredients.

two. Blazon

Hair creams come up with many descriptions – grooming, shaping, molding, balm, etc. – but nearly all of them offer the aforementioned level of concord and smoothen.

three. Know Your Hair Type

It'south important to know your hair blazon, no matter blazon of styling production you choose. 1 of the benefits of hair cream is that information technology provides texture and a natural hold on a diverseness of hair types, and it can provide boosted volume for men with thin hair.

Again, information technology's a versatile product that'southward suitable for a variety of hairstyles and types.

4. Ingredients

You'll find similar ingredients in most hair creams, although the listing is a chip dissimilar for those labeled "all-natural," but ingredients y'all should look for include:

  • Natural oils (including essential and carrier oils). Avoid synthetic oils or mineral oils, because they block moisture from the hair.
  • While many creams contain booze, look for ones that don't include parabens or sulfates. Also, avoid petroleum, because it can clog pores and lead to a buildup on the scalp.
  • Water should be amongst the first ingredients listed. Not to exist Mr. Obvious, but h2o is the best moisturizer for hair. H2o provides the moisture, while natural oils seal it in.

5. Scent

You'll observe fragrances added to some styling creams and other hair products, which isn't a keen thing, because they're chemical-based.

The best creams, however, accept a odour that's derived naturally from scented oils. The oils provide a pleasant fragrance that's non overpowering or overbearing.

Now, let's accept a expect at the best pilus cream for men.

The seven all-time hair creams for men

1. Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shaping Foam

Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shaping Cream-min

Also virtually the top of our hair foam reviews is a smashing production from Paul Mitchell.

Yous'll notice tea tree oil in a variety of hair products, and with good reason. After all, information technology'southward an essential oil with many benefits for the hair, including:

  • Tea tree oil encourages hair growth past unclogging hair follicles and nourishing their roots
  • Information technology's splendid for fighting dandruff and preventing pilus loss.
  • Tea tree oil fights fungus, leaner, and allergic reactions that cause an itchy scalp
  • Tea tree oil is likewise effective in fighting head lice.

Your hair will look natural and non as if you've saturated it with excessive amounts of product.

Among the many other ingredients institute in this styling cream is castor oil, which is another oil with a multifariousness of pilus-friendly benefits. While information technology does contain alcohol, it is paraben-gratuitous.

The cream also has a lightweight feel that's non-sticky, different some other creams, and you lot merely need a pocket-size amount of information technology to get the job done. You should apply it to damp hair to become the best results.

The Tea Tree Shaping Foam has a pleasant, masculine scent. While it might exist a chip strong for some, virtually users like it.


  • Infused with tea tree oil
  • Lightweight
  • Provides a firm only not-too-firm hold


  • Can exist a bit greasy on long hair

Lesser Line

Paul Mitchell is a big role player in the world of hair products, and they've built a strong reputation considering of products such as their Tea Tree Shaping Foam.

It certainly ranks amidst the best styling creams available and will help any man to continue his pilus looking its best.

2. Bumble and bumble Training Cream

Bumble and bumble Grooming Cream_-min

You may not be familiar with Bumble and bumble, simply information technology has been around since 1977, when it kickoff opened on New York City'southward barber's row. It'due south come a long way since and now makes a variety of products for men and women, including its fantastic styling cream.

The BB Grooming Foam ranks among the best styling creams for men with thick hair, as well every bit for men with frizzy, wavy, or coarse hair that never seems to stay in place.

It smoothes and softens hair to give a natural appearance while providing a medium hold that'southward meant to final through the day.

Information technology'southward also an splendid option for men with pilus that has thick curls and waves, because the hold isn't so tight that you lot lose your hair's natural bounce, because information technology's lightweight and not too heavy.

Information technology also has benefits for those with thinner pilus, merely it'due south certainly a skilful pick as a men's styling cream for long hair.

BB'southward Grooming Cream helps continue your looking natural while providing a light shine that isn't greasy. It comes in a 5-ounce tube – instead of a jar or tin – that makes information technology easy to dispense the corporeality you lot need (which isn't a lot).

Another thing we like about this styling foam is its list of natural ingredients, such every bit jojoba, sweet almond, avocado, and safflower oils. Information technology also contains alcohol.


  • Platonic for men with curly and frizzy hair
  •  Provides an fantabulous agree that isn't too thick
  •  Also practiced for men with sensitive skin and scalps, considering it is total of natural ingredients.


  • More expensive than many other creams

Lesser Line

Bumble and bumble are in the business of making quality grooming products and its Grooming Cream is no exception. Men with curly or frizzy pilus may struggle to discover products that work effectively for them, but Bumble and bumble's foam offers a good solution.

three. Baxter of California Cream Pomade for Men

Baxter of California Cream Pomade for Men-min

Baxter of California is a very cool brand, and their Cream Pomade for Men is an absolutely fantastic choice for whatsoever homo with wavy or curly hair.

It offers a light hold without weighing the hair downwards and provides a natural cease which will leave people unsure whether you're even using any product at all.

Made with natural ingredients – like beeswax, lanolin and glycerin – it is incredibly moisturizing and helps keeps the hair healthy and total of life, as well equally softening and smoothing it to provide a frizz-free definition.

So what kind of look are we going for here?

Well, it'due south absolutely ideal for getting that messy, care-gratuitous maybe slightly rugged look, but information technology can also requite wavy pilus a piddling actress depth and straighten out particularly unruly looking manes, too.

Ideally, if you lot take particularly thick hair yous may crave something in addition to help really go on it in check.

But if you lot're a fan of premium beauty products and desire to achieve a lite hold whilst too moisturizing your hair, you won't observe better than this.


  •  Very natural ingredients
  •  Keeps hair healthy and natural looking. Perfect for soft holds.
  •  Fantastic on wavy or curly hair


  • It's non always strong enough to handle the thickest hair

Bottom Line

A fantastic choice for men with curly pilus, giving them a light agree and helping them reach a natural looking 'bed head' tousle.

4. Axe Natural Await Hair Cream

Axe Natural Look Hair Cream 1-min

Axe was the favorite of adolescent males for several years, because its products had a unique scent that advertisers claimed was irresistible to the ladies.

The Axe aroma wafted in the hallways of many high schools and inferior high schools, a reminder of both the power of advertising and the surging hormones of teenage boys.

Not that the Axe aroma is bad, mind yous. Information technology's pleasant and non-offensive, but hither's the thing: you won't detect it in Axe'due south summit-notch Natural Look Pilus Foam, which instead has a woodsy, fresh smell that pairs well with whatever hairstyle.

Merely, once more, the fragrance isn't a huge concern when analyzing men's styling creams – or a lot of other products, for that matter – and Axe's Natural Expect Hair Foam deserves a mention in our reviews for many other reasons.

We'll start with the Natural Expect Hair Cream's concord, which is medium to lite and provides a natural look that's manageable and soft to the touch. You'll still maintain control over your style, even if it'due south curly, frizzy, or wavy, while also adding a flake of thickness that you'll similar.

This cream has a picayune more smoothen to it than other men'southward styling creams, but non so intense that your hair looks greasy. There's no leftover film or white flakes, and it won't class clumps in your hair.

It's also somewhat thicker than other styling creams, but you lot'll only need a modest corporeality to reap its total benefits.

Among the key ingredients in Axe's styling cream is tea tree oil, which we've already mentioned as one of the essential oils that'due south superb for hair health.

It doesn't contain parabens or petroleum (which you'll find in many styling products), only information technology does comprise some booze.


  • Information technology provides a natural wait to hair
  • Light concord that's still strong plenty
  •  Leaves no greasy flick even though it's a fleck thicker than most creams


  • Not the best for complex hairstyles
  • You have to exist careful not to apply likewise much

Bottom Line

The Axe proper noun carries a lot of weight and street cred, and its Natural Await Hair Cream delivers on its promises. As its proper noun suggests, this cream gives you a natural look that's easy to control while besides providing book and texture to your hair.

5. D:fi D:struct Pliable Molding Crème

Dfi Dstruct Pliable Molding Crème-min

If yous prefer a cream, or crème, with a firm hold, this product is a good option. It adds volume to listless-looking pilus only doesn't accept the crunchiness of gels, and it has a natural, matte-like finish. No unnecessary sheen or greasiness.

If yous prefer a cream, or crème, with a firm hold, this product is a good pick. It adds volume to listless-looking hair merely doesn't accept the crunchiness of gels, and it has a natural, matte-like finish.

Yous tin apply the Pliable Molding Crème to damp or dry hair, although information technology works best on dry hair. It won't go out a residue or shine, so your hair looks natural later y'all've applied information technology.

While yous'll find alcohol and some parabens in its ingredient list, it has a water base and includes castor oil, one of the most pilus-beneficial oils around.


  • Provides excellent volume and texture
  • Superior hold
  • Leaves your pilus looking natural


  • Stickier feel than some creams

Bottom Line

A lot of users sing the praises of this crème for a lot of reasons. It has one of the strongest holds among styling products only leaves your pilus looking good for you and natural.

vi. Challenger Blue Matte Styling Foam

Challenger Blue Matte Styling Cream-min

Many men adopt a natural matte finish to their pilus, and that'southward what Challenger'southward Blue Matte Styling Cream is all about. While Challenger's foam gets high marks for its finish, information technology'southward also a versatile cream that's easy to use.

In fact, the Challenger Blue Matte Styling Foam includes the attributes of hair wax, fiber, clay, and paste – all of which we'll explore in more than detail later – and it works on a multifariousness of hair types and styles and leaves your hair looking good for every occasion.

Considering it's a matte styling foam, in that location's no shine in Challenger's cream, but that'due south the point. Information technology does, nonetheless, accept superior hold and will keep your style in shape the entire day. It doesn't leave flakes like some pomades, and it doesn't dodder like clay.

We retrieve yous'll also similar that information technology's water soluble and rinses hands from your hair. Plus, it has a pleasant scent that's noticeable simply doesn't linger overpoweringly throughout the day.

The folks at Challenger recommend applying their cream to damp hair and then setting information technology with a hairdryer or letting it dry out naturally.


  • It has a medium to house agree that will terminal the day
  • Fresh, subtle scent
  • Water soluble


  • Perhaps a flake stickier than some other creams

Lesser Line

Challenger's Matte Styling Foam has everything a man could desire – peculiarly a man who's looking for a natural, no-shine finish.

7. Krieger + Sohne Premium Forming Cream

Krieger + Sohne Premium Forming Cream-min

Krieger + Sohne prides itself on "strong" men's products while pointing out that "Krieger" stands for a warrior in German. Warriors, they say, go the job done, no matter the circumstance, and no one ever accused a warrior of being anything less than strong.

Well, y'all tin can safely say that the Thousand + Southward Premium Forming Cream gets the task washed. It offers a hold that'due south strong plenty to concluding through the day but not and so business firm that your pilus looks stiff.

It has a non-greasy formula that leaves your hair feeling natural and soft, not difficult and crunchy.

Information technology'south also good for long and short hair. Whether y'all desire a sleek, well-coifed look or one that'due south disheveled and "messy", the Premium Forming Cream suits your needs. It also leaves a matte finish that creates the natural await many men prefer.

One of its key ingredients is tea tree oil, which has several hair-friendly benefits. Meanwhile, its list of ingredients doesn't include parabens, which always is a plus.

Another affair nosotros like well-nigh the Premium Forming Cream is that information technology comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If y'all don't like information technology, Grand + South won't charge you lot.


  • Leaves a natural terminate
  • Firm concur that doesn't get out hair looking stiff
  • Skilful for virtually any hairstyle
  • Great for all kinds of hair


  • The scent may not be to your liking

Bottom Line

Krieger + Sohne'south Premium Forming Foam checks off a diverseness of boxes when information technology comes to reasons for ownership their product. It's strong nonetheless soft enough to go out hair feeling natural, and it'south paraben-free.

Applying hair foam: The basics (A uncomplicated, illustrated guide)

There's zippo overly complicated most applying hair cream, just in that location are a few things to know that will ensure that you're getting the most from your cream.

1. Your hair type


What type of hair yous accept isn't a large deal when choosing hair cream, because well-nigh creams work on a variety of hair types – whether information technology's coarse, textured, thick, thin, etc.

It is especially effective for men with long or curly hair, all the same, because it helps boost your naturally wavy look without weighing it down.

2. Damp or dry hair?


Many styling products work best when practical to damp pilus, and the same is true for styling cream. Then again, others say it works just as well, if non better, on dry hair, so it comes down to personal preference. You can give both a shot and determine for yourself.

iii. Y'all don't need much


A little styling foam goes a long fashion, as we've mentioned in many of our reviews. It's best to start with a pea-sized – or fingertip amount – and just add more than if you need it.

4. Go it warm


The best fashion to "warm upward" your styling cream is to rub it between your palms. Your fingers will provide all the estrus you demand to make it easier to employ.

5. Applying it


Once you've warmed your foam, utilize it to your hair by using your fingers. Start from the forepart and work backward – don't forget the hair on the back of your head – while making certain that you evenly cover all of your hair.

Gently massage it for a minute or 2 and, if you take the time, let it sit down a few minutes to work it into your roots.

6. Drying information technology


If you've applied your cream to clammy pilus, you tin use a hairdryer to provide a softer terminate and also to add together more body to your hair. You tin can utilize a comb to piece of work it into your particular style or use your fingers to create texture if that's what your style demands.

Hair cream vs. all the rest

Hair cream belongs to a long list of pilus styling products for men. From pomade to wax or gel, they all serve a certain purpose, and many factors become into determining which one is right for y'all. Here'southward a brief look at these products, starting with foam.


We've discussed pilus cream at great length already, only it has a few attributes that assistance set it apart from other products:

  • Most hair creams have a medium shine that provides a natural look.
  • They provide a lower hold than some other styling products, 1 that doesn't have the stiffness or greasiness of wax and gel, but some creams have more hold than others.
  • Creams work well with mid-length to long hair and aid tame frizziness, but they're as well suitable for men with thinning or fine pilus who don't want to use pomade or wax.
  • Cream is lightweight enough to feel as if you aren't wearing any product at all.
  • The texture of styling creams ranges between lightweight lotions and products that have a wax-similar consistency.


Gel is one of the nigh mutual hair products used by men, and, for many young men, it's the first styling product they try.

Pilus gel has a high hold and high shine and is practiced for employ on a variety of hair lengths, thicknesses, and textures, while giving you lot the ability to shape your hair into the style y'all desire. Ane drawback of gel is that it can strip needed moisture from your pilus and scalp, leaving it dry and frizzy..


Pomade is for men who desire a slick look along with a well-combed hairstyle. It has a medium hold – one that'south strong enough to last – but it doesn't leave your hair feeling stiff or crunchy.

Pomade is great for styling thick and curly hair, considering of its creamy texture, merely it also works on directly hair. While its hold is more than than stiff plenty, it allows you to restyle your hair throughout the mean solar day, if needed.


Waxes share many similarities with pomades, including that they work well on hairstyles that require a comb, such as pompadours and side parts.

Pomade tends to have a higher concord than wax, but a common ingredient in wax is beeswax – the same stuff that holds beehives together.

Pilus wax tends to have a medium shine, although it depends on the particular make. It works best for men with short to medium length pilus only not besides for men with wavy and curly locks.

Sea Salt Spray

While a relative newcomer to the world of men's styling products, ocean salt spray is now a get-to option for men with medium to long pilus.

As its proper noun implies, sea salt includes salt and other compounds that blot the oil from your scalp and hair to aid provide better texture, waves, and volume.

Sea Salt spray won't get out your hair feeling gummy, stiff, or greasy and provides a lite to medium hold that allows your hair to retain its natural bounce. It's platonic for messy and tousled hairstyles that have a lot of texture but aren't stiff.

While sea salt spray has many benefits, you should use it in moderation, considering it tin can dry out your hair or scalp and cause your pilus to break.


Clay has a college hold factor than many styling products but isn't as like shooting fish in a barrel to restyle as other products. Nonetheless, it adds texture to the hair and you lot don't need to utilize a lot of information technology to get the firm hold you desire.

The clay institute virtually unremarkably in styling clays is Bentonite, which is produced by the weathering of volcanic ash.

Too, clay has many benefits for hair, including that adds thickness and body, that it draws out clay and impurities without drying out your hair'due south natural oils, and that it helps to control and maintain frizzy and curly hair.

Clay provides a matte to depression-shine finish and typically includes a diverseness of natural ingredients.


Paste is versatile enough to work with about every hairstyle and provides medium hold and shine. Most pastes are water-soluble, which makes them easy to wash out, and they won't "clump" your hair, and then it's easier to restyle if needed.

Styling paste has many other advantages, including that it gives your hair separation and flexibility while also adding volume and texture.

It works for a variety of hairstyles, including messy styles that make information technology look like you've rolled out of bed but all the same accept pilus worthy of adoration.


Mousse resembles foam and provides an overall fuller appearance to hair considering of chemical polymers that surround hair strands and add volume. Many mousses also contain essential oils, such every bit rosemary, that is effective for treating hair loss.

If you lot're a human with thinning hair, you lot may want to add together mousse to your preparation arsenal.

Mousse has plenty of hold but doesn't give your hair an oily or stringy look. Accident drying your hair afterwards applying mousse provides volume and polish, or you can let your hair air dry for messy and tousled styles.


Hairspray may non exist equally popular equally information technology once was, but it's nonetheless an effective styling product. One of the advantages of hairspray is that you can use it alone or with other products, such as paste and pomade.

It's difficult to beat hairspray'southward hold, which makes it ane of the best finishing products for hair. It also provides volume to your hair and is a go-to selection when the humidity is high and your hair turns limp. As guys, "limp" isn't a word we like to hear, at least in most contexts.


Styling balm has many benefits, equally well, including that it tames frizzy pilus that sometimes defies some styling products, only it as well helps to regenerate pilus while maintaining its proper wet level.

It's all-time to apply balm to damp hair, but you don't demand to massage it downwards to the roots. You tin set your manner in place with a hairdryer after you lot've spread the balm evenly throughout your hair.

Regular use of balm may make your hair greasy and clumpy, so exist certain you launder your hair regularly to remove information technology earlier your next application.


Hair serum is silicone-based and coats the surface of your hair. Among its benefits is that it prevents hair from becoming tangled while providing softness and shine.

Loftier-quality serums protect your pilus against sun exposure, as well every bit against pollutants such as dust and grime.

Some other reason many people choose pilus serum is that it treats dry and damaged pilus while giving it a shinier, healthier appearance.

Hair Oil

Hair oil has been around since, oh, the ancient Egyptians, and it's nevertheless an constructive styling tool. Hair oil helps continue hair stronger, softer, and shinier while protecting it confronting damage from the sun, dust, crud, and outdoor pollutants.

It'southward also great for getting tangles out of your hair.

Other Styling Products Worth Mentioning

Some other men's styling products you may want to consider include texture powder, fiber, pilus putty/mud, and dry out shampoo.

Texture powder helps create volume to hair while arresting backlog oil. It works all-time equally a pre-styling product that you put on your pilus before products such equally pomade.

Hair putty and hair mud are one in the aforementioned – it just depends on what each brand calls information technology. While putty is sometimes confused with hair paste, information technology's softer and allows for more bounce and movement in your hair.

Fiber is like hair wax and is effective for adding volume to your hair. Information technology also has a house hold, firm plenty that you won't be able to restyle your hair during the day.

Dry shampoo is similar to texture powder, considering it comes in a powder form, although information technology as well comes in an aerosol spray. Information technology'due south a great production for absorbing excess oil from the hair and scalp.

The how & why of choosing these products

Men'south pilus foam serves several functions that can enhance your hairstyle and hair type, and there are a lot of brands from which to choose. For us, it came downwards to a few basic things when picking the creams for our listing, including user reviews.

Yet, we also took into account each cream'due south versatility, it'due south shine and hold, and – of course – its overall effectiveness. Nothing overly scientific, mind you, merely simply a matter of paying attending to details.


What are your thoughts? Do you utilize hair cream, and, if so, what'due south your favorite production? Have you tried whatsoever of the creams included on our listing? Let united states know, because we e'er welcome your comments and suggestions.

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